Saturday, July 7, 2018

Behind the Song #1

I've thought about it, and I have decided that I will make a post explaining the meanings behind the songs I like. I plan to do this at least once a month which means that you're guaranteed one awesome behind the song once a month so look forward to it.
First of all, let's label the type of song this is. The title of the song is The Promised Love and the song is downbeat with a sad loving tone from Jay Chou's voice. With this I'm going to label this as a sad love song. If you truly listen to the song and understand it, you will be able to feel what Jay Chou is trying to say in his song.
Now, I will try to explain the song in how I see it. There's a man and woman that are together and promise each other that they will love each other until the very end. (There's no evidence from the lyrics that they are married or not but it's possible and that's up to how you see it.) This is before the song actually happens. The song is the man asking the woman what happen to the love that they promised to each other.
The song starts with him talking about how she was slowly drifting away and not replying to him.He talks about a white dove that lost its sweetness. When he says this, I believe he's using the dove as a symbol of love which represented the woman. So what happened to the promised love?